Issue 85 TOC

On the Cover: On its Malibu mountaintop
perch overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Woodshed Studio has been likened to “a Four
Seasons Resort bungalow overlooking the
ocean in Bali.” Inside, the wood, tile and glass
of a classic Craftsman bungalow enhance a
technically advanced recording environment
that attracts some of the world’s most demanding recording artists.


An Ongoing Spirit of Serenity:
Acorn Cottage and Oak Acre Gardens
By Philip and Susann Bishop
Blending past and present, indoors and outdoors, a Pennsylvania couple make a bungalow’s history part of their own.

Apologies to the Navajo
(And Their Neighbors)
By Robert Winter
Almost from its beginnings, the American Arts and Crafts movement drew inspiration
from North America’s indigenous peoples.

The Harmony of a Craftsman
By David Kramer and Laszlo Remenyi
Inspired by Greene & Greene, musician
and record producer Richard Gibbs has
built a state-of-the-art studio inside a coastal Craftsman bungalow.

Pasadena’s Edens
By Ann Scheid and Robert Winter
Climate change and drought prompt a
water-wise gardening movement.

A Craftsman Renaissance
By Kathleen Donohue and Sarah Peasley
History buffs do the research to restore
the past of a Portland bungalow.


A Letter from the Publisher

Family Album
From coast to coast, readers share their
pride in their bungalows.

Neighbors Save a Way of Life
A new video documentary recounts the
successful grass-roots campaign to
preserve Pasadena’s Bungalow Heaven.

New & Noteworthy
A selection of Arts and Crafts–inspired
amenities for today’s bungalow lifestyle.

Perspective on Antiques
By David Rudd

The World of Arts and Crafts
Being There
By Bruce Johnson

Arts and Crafts Profile
Terra Firma: Handcrafted Art Tiles 106

Bring Nature’s Beauty Indoors
By Rebecca Caro

From Our Friends
Hopalong Cassidy vs. Space Patrol
By Roger Rittner

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