These companies help make the bungalow lifestyle and this magazine possible. When contacting the advertisers, please mention you saw the ad in American Bungalow. Thank you for helping to support the resurgence of the bungalow Arts & Crafts movement.
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Click on an advertiser below to view their website and contact information. If you have any questions about our advertisers feel free to give us a call at (800) 350-3363.

Handwerk Shade Shop
Work Phone: 5036590914
Website: The Handwerk Shade Shop

Head, Heart, & Hand
Work Phone: 4062220183
Website: Head Heart and Hand
Work Phone: 888-387-3280
Website: Heritage Tile
Work Phone: 8002505277
Website: Holton Frames
Karen Hovde
Interior Vision
Work Phone: 4258304131
Work Email: