
Some Great Bungalow Blogs to Check Out:

1916 Portland BungalowIf there’s anything bungalow enthusiasts love almost as much as living in and working on their own homes, it’s reading about what others are doing with theirs. Since 2007, Joe Ernst has supplied his readers with a steady stream of vicarious delights as he and his wife worked on their 1916 bungalow in the Rose City neighborhood of Portland, Ore.

Hewn & Hammered - All about Craftsman, Mission and Prairie art, architecture and design.

The Bungalow ChroniclesRestore, Renovate, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rejoice! A journal of remodeling, decorating, gardening, and living in a classic Chicago-style brick Bungalow in the near-northern suburbs.

The Bunny BungalowA Life Less Ordinary in a Tiny Texas Bungalow.


American Bungalow Magazine Online - Your source for bungalow and arts & crafts news.