American Bungalow is produced on Apple Macintosh’s using Adobe Indesign CS4. All submitted files must be in digital format. Supplier of advertising must take total responsibility for checking the quality and integrity of their files before submission.
All images must be CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black), 300 dpi. No RGB (red, green, blue) files. Please include a digital proof with your ad. American Bungalow is not liable for any color discrepancies. Black and white line art resolution should be a minimum of 1200 dpi.
PDF – PDF made with PDF/x-1a:2001 preset from a postscript (ps) file. Press-optimized/press quality PDF files using Adobe Acrobat Distiller 4.0, or later, and your postscript file.
INDESIGN AND QUARXPRESS – PDF made with PDF/x-1a:2001 preset. We recommend using Preflight or Flightcheck software to troubleshoot your files and completely collect them for output. Use only process CMYK colors. High resolution images should be 300 dpi and be in your ad at 100% size, not larger. View your PDF carefully to make sure all fonts and colors are correct. Please include crop marks for full-size bleed ads.
PHOTOSHOP – Save your file as a CMYK TIFF or EPS file OR create a PDF with PDF/x-1a:2001 preset. Your file resolution must be 300 dpi, not less, or your file will not print cleanly or crisply. 300 dpi matches the 150-line screen of the magazine. If your image is RGB —a format used for Web display—your image will print with an unattractive greenish cast. Be careful if you have used a 4-color black and later mix your image in with a layout black; there is a visible tonal difference when printed.
ILLUSTRATOR – Save your file as a CMYK EPS file OR create a PDF with PDF/x-1a:2001 preset. Please make certain your fonts are outlined and images embedded, and save your file as an EPS file or make a PDF.
WE DO NOT ACCEPT: Native Indesign or Quarkxpress files, Word, Powerpoint, Corel Draw, Pagemaker files, film.
Helpful Tips
Scanned Images - Must be 300 dpi and in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black). If your scan is left at RGB (red, green, blue) — a format used mostly for web display — your image will print, but with an unattractive greenish cast. BW line art that is scanned should be of a very high resolution, as high as most scanners will scan (1200 dpi) to get the best quality scan. Any BW images that show levels of gray tones should be scanned in grayscale mode; 300 dpi is fine.
Choosing Color - Since all monitors and inkjet printers are not precisely color calibrated, your desktop color proof will most likely not be as precise as a digital proof from a service bureau or the matchprint from the final film. When choosing spot or process colors in your layout, refer to the Pantone Color books (see your local art store or see that depict color chips on paper and give the most accurate description of how your colors will look printed. All colors chosen must be set to be separate as process colors (CMYK), with no spot color left in the files.
Use of Black in Layout Programs - Be careful when mixing black backgrounds. In Photoshop, if you add a four-color black (100% cyan, 100% magenta, 100% yellow, 100% black) to part of your image and later import that image into QuarkXpress or Illustrator, and you use a regular 100% solid black from you layout program, the blacks will not resemble each other when the ad goes to film. You will see the Photoshop black appear much richer than your layout black. This may not be apparent on an inkjet printer, but will appear as a mistake in a digital matchprint and in print.
Digital Transfer Media - Digital files may be sent on Mac and PC floppy disks, 100 and 250MB zip disks, 1 M jaz disks and on CD. Small files can be emailed, they need to be under 3M, and can be compressed using the Mac Stuffitt program or the PC compression .zip. However, all e-mailed files must have the correct BW or color proof sent in to check accuracy along with the Ad Checklist.
General Policies
Digital Ad Checklists must be submitted with each digital ad file. Without a checklist, American Bungalow will not be held responsible for any discrepancies that may occur.
American Bungalow cannot be responsible for any ommisions or copy errors in submitted digital ads. It is advisable to proof carefully before submitting your ad.
Media will be returned if a prepaid shipping envelope, with return address clearly indicated, is supplied. Media will be returne after the issue is published.
Digital ads and film will be held for 12 months, then purged from the database unless advised otherwise in writing by the advertiser.