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Sears Westly Kit Home, circa 1924 
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Post Sears Westly Kit Home, circa 1924
Can anyone tell me where I can get construction drawings for this Sears "Honor Bilt" home. My home was built in <br>1924 and does have the floorplan, the marked studs and the materials specified in the 1926 catalog. It appears to be a true Sears home, but the drawings would confirm it.

Wed Dec 10, 2003 4:25 am
Post Re: Sears Westly Kit Home, circa 1924
Here is a link for floor plans up to 1921. <br>

Wed Dec 10, 2003 2:04 pm
Post Re: Sears Westly Kit Home, circa 1924
Here is the Westly link: <br>

Wed Dec 10, 2003 2:10 pm

Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2003 1:04 pm
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Post Re: Sears Westly Kit Home, circa 1924
Here is a link that also covers 1908 up to 1940. It's the Arts and Crafts Society. I don't see Westly listed but for those who want to check out their floor plans this may cover theirs. <br> <br> <br> <br>Linda <br>Erie, PA

my webblog

Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:57 pm Profile WWW
Post Is it still a bungalow?
Looking at the 1929 Claremont, is it still considered a bungalow? <br>

Wed Dec 10, 2003 6:04 pm
Post Re: Sears Westly Kit Home, circa 1924
If it has marked lumber (a letter and a three digit number, such as D589), that's good enough confirmation for me. <br> <br>Rosemary Thornton <br>author, The Houses That Sears Built

Sun Oct 10, 2004 11:55 pm

Joined: Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:01 am
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Post Re: Sears Westly Kit Home, circa 1924
following are some tips that can help you in confirming Sears home:

* Look for stamped lumber on the exposed beams/joists/rafters in the basement, crawl space or attic.
* Inspect the back of millwork (moldings and trim) for shipping labels.
* Check the home's floor plan, footprint (exterior dimensions) and room size, using a field guide to Sears Homes, such as "Finding The Houses
* That Sears Built" (2004, Gentle Beam Publications).
* Visit the courthouse and inspect old building permits and grantor records.
* Inspect plumbing fixtures for marks, such as "R" or "SR".
* Look for markings on back of sheet rock.
* Unique column arrangement on front porch and five-piece eave brackets.
* Square block on moldings at staircase landings, where moldings meet at odd angles.
* Verify your home's construction date. If your home was not built between 1908 - 1940, it can not be a Sears Home.

source; find more info here

Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:13 am Profile YIM
 [ 7 posts ] 

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