Seeking Other Western PA Bungalow/A & C Home Owner
Good day:
<br>Another Pittsburgh PA-area Arts & Crafts homeowner and I have been chatting online (connecting through this website) about possible interest in starting a sort of informal, social group comprising bungalow/A & C homeowners in Pittsburgh/Western PA who might be interested in getting together on occasion, at each other's homes, for cocktails and the opportunity to see other wonderful homes.
<br>You could say that this post is a first attempt to ascertain if there is any interest out there.
<br>At this time, we're thinking that maybe we could arrange a premier get together event in the late spring/early summer (the other homeowner is actually moving into her A & C home in March, so she'll need some time to get settled!)
<br>If you could be interested in being part of such a group, please drop me an email and we'll put together a list of interested contacts and see what we can cook up. Could be fun...and educational!
<br>My email is
<br>Incidentally, my partner and I own a nearly 100-year old bungalow in the Pittsburgh suburb of Mt. Lebanon. We've been there for a little over a year and have been loving our experience!